Signed Up for Round II

In some sort of fuge state, I just signed up to take the GMAT again on the 31st.  For the last 10 days or so, I did seriously consider just trying to make a go of it with my 580, but today I strong-armed myself and went ahead and did it.  I look at it this way: if I don't re-take the test and I get dinged (b-school speak for rejection), I will always wonder if it had a lot to do with that score.  I will kick myself and say, "Why didn't I at least try?"

My re-test date just happens to be the day before St. Gallen's Round 2 deadline. Insert mirthless laughter that means I have to have my entire application ready to rock and roll before I take the GMAT again.  I've already started on my essays, which is a lot less painful for me than facing up to this quantitative business.  I got my AWA score online yesterday and I received a 5.5/6.0, which, not to sound cocky, wasn't surprising.  Analytical writing is one of my greatest strengths; it's my weaknesses that I really have to prove I can overcome.

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