Today I went poking around the discussion boards on Blackboard, an online course management system. A few of my peers in the MBA program are looking for housing/roommates.
And I've started to consider that maybe, just maybe, I should concede to reality and consider getting a roommate. Maybe even someone who's also in school? With good affordable housing so hard to find, something has to give, right? A lot of these room shares are in nice neighborhoods--some are even in houses with *gasp* a garage! Maybe my car insurance would drop enough to offset some of the increase in rent...
I know that I have vehemently declared that I am through with roommates, but I also have to be realistic about my situation.
Well anyway, it's just something to consider...
And I've started to consider that maybe, just maybe, I should concede to reality and consider getting a roommate. Maybe even someone who's also in school? With good affordable housing so hard to find, something has to give, right? A lot of these room shares are in nice neighborhoods--some are even in houses with *gasp* a garage! Maybe my car insurance would drop enough to offset some of the increase in rent...
I know that I have vehemently declared that I am through with roommates, but I also have to be realistic about my situation.
Well anyway, it's just something to consider...